Queensland is a place like no other. Our garden is a one-million-year-old rainforest. Out the back is a red desert of dinosaur bones. Our swimming pool is the world’s largest reef.
However, many people still don’t know the hidden gems in their own backyard. In 2020 at the height of the Covid pandemic which stifled travel, Bus 4×4 launched a campaign to highlight unique places in Queensland to Queenslanders called The Top 30 Places in Queensland you may not be aware . We hand-picked 25 places and invited our readers to pitch in 5 more so we could compile a Top 30 List.
We have now published the Top 30 into an e-book called Queensland Hidden Gems which is free to read or download. Enjoy the list and let us know if you have any suggestions.
Click to read or download Queensland Hidden Gems here
Clean fresh water pool between rocks formed by waterfall cutting through mountains in Tamborine mt national park and lush rainforest, Quensland, Australia.
Pictures and content taken from various sources. Some of the sites are:
Queensland Tourism Website
Tourism Australia Website