Since 2013, the Bus 4×4 Group of companies has been researching, developing, perfecting and manufacturing innovative peoplemover solutions.

Our vast specialist knowledge and years of experience have seen us become recognised as the leading provider of AWD conversion kits. We deliver comfortable, cost-effective, safe and reliable peoplemover solutions for challenging, rough or remote terrain. With a Bus 4×4 vehicle, you save time and money and have the confidence that you can go anywhere. Our 4WD Conversion Kit, Bus 4×4 GoKit, converts 2WD buses and vans to 4WD, giving our customers more go.
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Release the Beasts!

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2024 #ToyotaCoaster, which is having a #Bus4x4Conversion expertly installed in our head office workshop. As standard, the Toyota Coaster comes with a 2.8L 4 Cylinder Turbo Diesel Engine, along with a pre-collision safety system, daytime pedestrian detection, lane assist, automatic high beam. Essentially, all the good stuff.


Conversion in Action!

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You’ll find our vehicles in the coolest places.

The #AustralianAntarcticDivision was gearing up to lead one of the most ambitious and challenging scientific projects yet undertaken in Antarctica – the quest to drill an ice core containing a million-year old record of Earth’s climate and atmospheric composition. To help achieve this, they required a vehicle to get their crew to (and safely back from) their #drillsites.

Contact us today!

By ||Last Updated: 30/01/2025||Categories: Newsletter, Offroad Blog||

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