When Anthony Brown, General Manager of West Coast Wilderness Railway started looking for an option to replace their on-rail and on-road vehicle, they turned to Bus 4×4.

The two year search to replace their modified Land Rover culminated in a Fuso Canter hi-rail 4×4 minibus, fitted with a road-rail kit in Western Australia and built by Bus 4×4 with luxury bus seating.

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As Anthony said, “The problem with our Land Rover modified vehicle was that it wasn’t particularly comfortable on either rail or road”.

“We wanted to keep doing these popular exploration trips, but we needed more passenger accommodation, a higher-degree of comfort and better on-rail and off-road performance.”

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The finished WCWR vehicle can seat a crew of two and 12 passengers. Bus 4×4 has kitted the vehicle with a bull bar, spare wheel carrier, front beacon, LED and fog lights including individual lights at all entry/exit points.

Its black ‘raptor’ coating will be enhanced by graphic sign-writing when it arrives in Tasmania in January 2022. The bus is expected to be in service in the first quarter of 2022.

WCWR has a busy schedule planned for its latest acquisition: boat, bus (road and rail) one-day tours and two different half-day tours.

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This custom bus is the last of the body build by Bus 4×4. We are concentrating on our 4×4 conversions of Toyota Hiaces and Toyota Coasters for for RV customers, fleets and mining companies.

If you are looking to buy or convert a Toyota Hiace or Toyota Coaster, please click here to email us or call us on 07 3276 1420.

For a list of our distributors in Australia and overseas, click here.

For more information on Toyota Hiace and Toyota Coaster, click here to visit the Toyota Australia website here.

By ||Last Updated: 03/02/2025||Categories: Latest News||

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